Research programs


An active search

 for new approached



In France, the "crime mapping" is underdeveloped, and when it is used, it is based on theories and works in U.S. urban settings which typology is very different from that of French cities. Also, out of the famous "Hot Spot", very few insights can be reveales of this emerging practice of statistics.

Our research program, conducted in collaboration with IMA, is to develop applications based on new concepts:


Developed in partnership with ISTIA and MASA Group, these tools intend:  

An example on the scale of a building (MASA Group work), when each individual is endowed with unique and simple behaviors, like taking the subway or buying a ticket at a counter, then combined with factors such as emotional stress generated by the environment (overcrowding, outdoor event, etc..) can be transmitted according to a number of characteristics:



SûretéGlobale.Org provides to command centers in general and to leaders in particular, high-level tools for decision support, analysis and real-time crises management.

In partnership with many specialists, including several world leaders, SûretéGlobale.Org integrates these tools in a simple and ergonomic interface called MapCommander.

Our research focuses on decision making, ergonomics, tools for decision support, forecasting, simulation, and other related methodologies.

SûretéGlobale.Org is a founding member of the Institute for Complex Systems of Angers, with IMA, the ISTIA and institutes of the UCO.


In partnership with the ICPC, International Center for Crime Prevention, SûretéGlobale.Org disseminates good practices found, and share with the world these experiments.

In this context, Sûreté publishes books, articles and methodologies.

This exchange network allows to imagine new experiences of prevention and testing their validity

This exchange network allows to imagine new experiences of prevention and testing their validity

SûretéGlobale.Org teams working on the theme of territorial economic intelligence in partnership with the University of Angers and Aix-Marseille on the competitiveness of territories, territorial arrangements for IE, and best practices proven .


Research Partnerships


sampleSûretéGlobale.Org is a partner of the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (Montreal) for the dissemination of good practices.



sampleFor studies and research in statistics, the research laboratory of applied mathematics (CREAM) from the Institute of Applied Mathematics (UCO Angers) works with Sûreté to develop new algorithms and verify their validity.


sampleIn terms of virtual reality and simulation training, ISTIA, School of Engineering of the University of Angers, helps us with guidance and advise. We are also working on issues of technologies watching.


SûretéGlobale.Org is a founding member of the Institute of Complex Systems of Angers in partnership with the Ima and Istia.